
i use recovery derm shield for all my tattoo aftercare. it allows for protection from any bacteria or foreign materials while still allowing the tattoo to breathe. if you have extra sensitive skin or a medical adhesive allergy, other options are available, just let me know!

remove bandage after 24-72 hours max under warm water or in the shower

(the larger and more filled your tattoo is, the longer i usually recommend when putting your derm shield on in person)

avoid working out or sweating excessively while your bandage is on

wash tattoo 2-3x/day with liquid antibacterial soap and warm water

keep moisturized with a thin layer of aquaphor or a&d ointment

(gold dial soap or dr. bronner’s unscented baby soap works great, with aquaphor or unscented lotion like aveeno or cetaphil)

wear loose clothing to avoid rubbing the fresh tattoo

do not swim/soak the tattoo for at least 2-3 weeks

avoid exposure to the sun to avoid accelerating fading

do not pick, scratch, or itch your fresh tattoo

once it’s healed, wear sunscreen and lotion regularly to protect it from aging too fast!

feel free to send healed pics!

-v <3